第 342 课:停止抗议-3

The crowd shouted "death to America" and "death to Britain." 人群大喊:"去死吧美国(佬)!"和"去死吧英国(鬼子)”

The speech followed days of protests by hundreds of thousands of supporters of presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi. 在总统候选人Mousavi不计其数的支持者的抗议之后数日,哈梅内伊发表此次演说。

The protests in Tehran and other cities have been the worst unrest in Iran since the Islamic revolution thirty years ago. 德黑兰和其他城市的抗议者造成了自伊斯兰革命30年以来 伊朗最动荡的局势。

Iran's Guardian Council -- which supervises elections -- has offered to recount some votes and investigate complaints of wrongdoing. 监督此次大选的是伊朗宪法监护委员会,它已经提议重新计算一些选票,并对不当行为的投诉进行调查。

But the government this week arrested many opposition members, activists and journalists. 但是政府这周逮捕了很多持反对意见的成员、积极分子和记者。