第 342 课:停止抗议-4

On Friday, European Union leaders urged the government to permit all citizens the right to assemble and express themselves peacefully. 周五欧盟领导人强烈要求政府批准全民集会权利和和平发表言论的权利

Iran banned foreign media coverage of the protests. 伊朗禁止了国外媒体对此次抗议的新闻报道。

News agencies have depended heavily on information and images sent by Iranians using social media like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. 新闻社只能依靠伊朗人使用社交媒介(Twitter,非死不可,和youtube)发布的信息和图片。

Young people especially are finding ways to get around Internet blocking. 特别是年轻人正寻找克服网络封闭的方法。

On Friday, Facebook announced it is making its Web site available in the Farsi language. 周五,非死不可宣布他正在制作波斯文网站。