第 344 课:高梁种子-1

Sorghum is an important grain for Africa. Millions of Africans have more to eat because of Gebisa Ejeta. 高梁是非洲最重要的谷物,数百万非洲人都因哥比萨 · 益节塔 (Gebisa Ejeta) 而有了更多的食物。

The Ethiopian scientist developed sorghum seeds that can resist long dry periods. 埃塞俄比亚科学家发明了能抗长期干旱的高梁种子。

The seeds can also resist the Striga weed, a big cause of crop failures in Africa. 这种种子也能抗杂草独脚金,这种杂草是导致非洲作物歉产的主要原因。

Now his work has earned him this year's World Food Prize from the World Food Prize Foundation in Des Moines, Iowa. 如今,他的贡献使他获得了今年的世界粮食奖,该奖取自世界粮食奖基金,设在衣阿华州首府得梅因。

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made the announcement last week in Washington. 上周,美国国务卿希拉里 · 克林顿在华盛顿作了该项宣布。