第 345 课:成人教育学会-3

Sakena Yacoobi risked her life to set up eighty secret schools in Afghan homes. Sakena Yacoobi 冒着生命危险建了八十所秘密家庭学校。

About three thousand girls attended these schools. 约有三千多女孩在这些这样上学。

American-led forces ousted the Taliban from power in late two thousand one, after the terrorist attacks on the United States.

Today Sakena Yacoobi says her organization avoids the most dangerous provinces. 如今 Sakena Yacoobi 说,她的机构回避的最危险的省份。

It operates education and health centers and traveling clinics. 从事教育、健康中心及移动诊所方面的工作。