第 347 课:巴黎航空展-2

Airlines are worried not just about the recession but also about higher oil prices. 航空公司不仅要担心经济萧条还要考虑过高的油价

And now comes the new H1N1 flu virus. 而这时H1NI型流感病毒也凑热闹。

The World Health Organization this week declared the first pandemic, or worldwide spread, of influenza in forty-one years. 世界卫生组织本周宣布这是41年来流感第一次在全球范围内大爆发。

But countries are being urged not to restrict travel. 尽管如此,联合国鼓励各国家不要限制跨国出行。

The air show also follows the crash last week of an Air France jet in the Atlantic Ocean off Brazil. 法航一家喷气式客机上一周在大西洋巴西海域坠毁。