第 347 课:巴黎航空展-3

All two hundred twenty-eight people on the flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris were killed. 从里约热内卢飞往巴黎的228名乘客和机组人员全部遇难。

Before the flight went down, sensors gave conflicting information on air speed to the plane's computers, possibly because of ice. 在飞机坠毁前,传感器向飞机计算机发送过错误的空速信息,这可能是(高空)结冰引起的。

Such problems had led Air France to begin replacing older sensors on some of its Airbus planes, but not the one that crashed. 这类问题曾促使法航开始替换一些空客型号飞机中比较旧的传感器,但是坠毁那架客机的传感器没有被替换。

Air France is now moving quickly to put in newer versions of the speed sensors. 法航现在正迅速行动安装新型速度传感器。

But the cause of the crash is still under investigation. 但是此次坠机事故的原因尚在调查之中。