第 347 课:巴黎航空展-4

Bodies and wreckage have been found over a wide area. 尸体和飞机残骸在大片海域内已经找到。

The plane hit storms before the crash. 飞机在坠毁前曾遭遇风暴。

Incorrect air speed readings could have led the pilots to fly so fast that the plane broke apart. 错误的空速读数可能会导致驾驶员飞的过快以至于飞机解体,

Wrong data can also cause pilots to fly too slow and lose lift. 错误的数据也会使得驾驶员飞的过慢,飞机升力不够。

In the United States, officials are investigating a different safety issue -- the safety of regional airlines. 在美国官方人员正在调查一项不同的安全问题——支线航空公司。