第 348 课:土壤污染-1

Soil naturally contains harmless amounts of lead, along with other metals. 土壤天然含有安全量的铅及其他金属。

Because of pollution, however, the amounts are higher the closer you get to cities and towns. 但是由于污染,越接近城镇,土壤重金属含量越高。

But experts say this should not stop gardeners from growing food if they take safety measures. 不过专家们表示,如果采取一些安全措施,这些重金属不会影响到菜农种植蔬菜。

David Johnson is a chemistry professor in the State University of New York's College of Environmental Science and Forestry. 纽约州大学环境科学和林学学院的化学教授大卫 约翰森解释到。

He explains that lead can enter the ground from leaded paint and leaded fuel and from industry. 他解释说含铅的涂料、含铅的燃料以及工业(用铅)中的铅都可能渗入土壤。