And once lead gets into the soil, it stays a long time. 一旦进入土壤,铅会存留很长时间。
It remains an environmental threat especially to children. 残存的铅会对环境造成威胁,尤其对小孩子(危害很大)。
Lead can harm mental and physical development even in babies before they are born. 铅会伤害小孩子的神经发育和身体发育,即使是未出世的婴儿也不例外。
If a test finds that soil has too much lead, you might be advised to remove the soil or cover it with sod grass. 如果检测表明土壤含铅量很高,就需要把这部分土壤移走或者用草皮草盖住它。
Different countries have different levels that they consider acceptable. 不同国家对土壤中铅含量水平的要求不同。