第 348 课:土壤污染-3

Carl Rosen of the University of Minnesota Extension notes that concerns about lead have increased now that more people are planting gardens. 明尼苏达大学附设部的卡尔 罗森 教授提到,由于越来越多的人种植菜园导致大家对铅含量的关注程度提高了。

But Professor Rosen says plants generally do not absorb much lead. 但是他表示,通常植物不会吸收多少铅的。

He says there is likely more risk from lead dust on plants or from playing in the soil than from the plant itself. 可能(人们摄入的)铅多数来自植物上的铅尘和土壤中的铅而不是植物本身含有的。

Still, some plants do absorb more than others. 不过,有些植物对铅的吸收能力较强。

Experts say good choices for the garden include tomatoes, peppers, beans and okra. 专家们建议在菜园中种植西红柿、胡椒、黄豆和秋葵。