第 35 课:和平谈话-3

He said they should work together to stop extremism and support peace. 他说,美国和伊斯兰世界应该共同合作摒弃极端主义,拥护和平。

He spoke of being a Christian whose father came from a Kenyan family with generations of Muslims. 他谈到,作为一个基督信徒,他的父亲却是世代都是伊斯兰信徒的肯尼亚家庭。

He also noted that as a boy he spent several years in the country with the world's largest Muslim population, Indonesia. 他同时也提醒大家,孩提时他在印度尼西亚这个世界上伊斯兰教徒最多的国家生活过几年。

President Obama discussed several areas of tensions, especially the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. 总统就几个敏感问题发表了看法,特别是伊斯兰人们和巴基斯坦人们之间的冲突。

He called America's bond with Israel "unbreakable" and said the tragic history that led to a Jewish homeland cannot be denied. 他称美国和以色列的联盟是不可分割的,并且说以色列国家的建立是因为那段悲痛的历史,是不可否认的。