第 35 课:和平谈话-5

But they said that of course the true test would not be in words, but actions. 但是他还说检验真理不是说出来的,是做出来的。

The president used words from the Koran several times throughout his speech. 演讲中奥巴马几次引用了可兰经原文。

He also called for religious understanding and spoke of the importance of equality for women. 他还号召理解宗教并谈及到妇女平等的重要性。

The speech contained no major policy changes. 演讲没有涵盖重大的政策变化。

But it did signal what many Muslims saw as a newly sympathetic voice from an American president. 但是它向伊斯兰教徒发出信号——伊斯兰人看见了美国总统的崭新的和谐的呼唤。