第 352 课:军事教育-2

The Air Force Academy is located at Colorado Springs, Colorado. 美国空军学院位于科罗拉多州科罗拉多斯普林斯市。

And the Naval Academy is in Annapolis, Maryland; it prepares officers for the Navy and the Marine Corps. 而美国海军学院在美国马里兰州首府安纳波利斯,为美国海军及海军陆战队培养军官。

Nominees for these academies must be seventeen to twenty-three years old, unmarried and with no children. 参加这些院校的被提名者须是十七到二十三周岁以下,未婚,没有孩子。

Candidates are usually nominated by members of Congress. 通常是通过国会议员为投考者提名。

International candidates are nominated by their home governments, which pay for their education. 留学生则是由他们的政府提名并支付学费。