第 352 课:军事教育-4

This will bring the total number of foreign students at the Naval Academy to fifty- three. 这样,将为外国学生提供总计五十三个名额。

Tim Disher, head of international programs, says those interested should contact the agency that includes their own naval department. 主管国际项目的 Tim Disher 说,有意者应与包括自己国家海军部在内的机构取得联系。

Plus, all of the academies have admissions information on their Web sites. 此外,所有这些院校在其网站都公布有入学须知。

International students can also attend the Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut, and the Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point, New York. 留学生也可参加位于康涅狄格州新伦敦的美国海岸警卫学院,以及美国商船学院,位于纽约皇点。