第 353 课:最新预测-3

Experts say job losses might slow later this year, but the unemployment rate could rise until the middle of next year. 专家说,失业在今年晚些时候会减缓,但是,失业率在明年中期之前仍可能上升。

Job losses help explain the latest numbers from the Mortgage Bankers Association. 失业有助于解释抵押贷款银行协会提供的最新数据。

By the end of March, twelve percent of homeowners with a mortgage were late on loan payments or in the process of losing their home. 截止 3 月底, 12% 的有抵押的房主逾期偿还贷款或在失去房屋的进展中。

California, Florida, Arizona and Nevada drove up the national numbers. 加利福尼亚、佛罗里达、亚利桑那和内华达州推升了全美数据。

Pete Kyle is a University of Maryland finance professor. 彼特 . 凯尔是马里兰大学的金融教授。