第 353 课:最新预测-5

But what really set this economic downturn apart from others, he says, was the severity of the banking crisis. 但是,他说,真正使经济下降的因素是银行危机的严重性。

Many banks, he says, are going to need additional capital to deal with bad loans and heavy debt. 他说,许多银行需要更多的资金,以应对坏帐及沉重债务。

Heavy government debt only adds to unease about the future after the so-called Great Recession. 沉重政府债务只能在所谓的大萧条后给未来添加不安定因素。

But President Obama says "we have stepped back from the brink." 但是,总统奥巴马说“我们已经从悬崖边回来了。”

He says there is now some calm that did not exist before. 他说,目前有某种之前所没有的镇定。

But he also says Americans cannot return to a "borrow-and-spend economy." 但是,他也指出,美国人无法回到“借钱消费的经济 ”。