第 354 课:袋鼠妈妈-1

Some mothers in Senegal are learning a new way to save the lives of babies born too soon. 塞尼加尔的母亲们正在学一种挽救早产儿的新方法。

The idea is not really new. 其实这并不是一个正真的新方法。

It borrows from the way mother kangaroos carry their young in front in a pouch. 它借用了袋鼠妈妈用前面的袋子携带幼仔的方法。

The joey -- what Australians call a baby kangaroo -- stays in this built-in baby carrier until it can survive independently. 澳大利亚人叫袋鼠宝宝幼兽,幼兽呆在这种天然的袋子里,直到它可以独立生存。

Kangaroo mother care is also known as the skin-to-skin method for premature babies. 袋鼠妈妈的这种看护幼仔的方法也叫早产仔肌肤相亲法。