第 354 课:袋鼠妈妈-2

The direct contact with the mother keeps the baby warm. 这种与母亲直接的接触能给宝宝保暖。

It also lets the baby breastfeed at any time. 也可以在任何时候哺乳幼仔。

A movement to spread the use of the kangaroo method for preterm babies grew out of Bogota , Colombia , in the nineteen seventies. 推广这种袋鼠的方法来护理早产儿的运动起源于二十世纪七十年代哥伦比亚的波哥大。

Now, a doctor in Senegal who specializes in newborn care is leading a program financed by the Ministry of Health and UNICEF. 现在塞内加尔的一位新生婴儿护理方面的医生正在引导着一个项目,这个项目是由卫生部和联合国儿童基金会提供经费的。

Every year, seven thousand babies are born at the health center where Ousmane Ndiaye works in Guediaway, outside Dakar. Ousmane Ndiaye 在达喀尔外围 Guediaway 的卫生所工作,每年有七千的婴儿在这里诞生。