第 355 课:信用卡业-2

They will have to tell how long and how much it would take to pay off a card if the holder makes only the lowest monthly payment. 如果持卡人只支付最低月度还款,信用卡公司必须告知需要多长时间及(支付)多少金额,才可付清一张信用卡上的欠款。

And they will have to write their cardholder agreements clearly and publish them online. 并且,他们还必须清楚地载明持卡人协议,并且将协议在网上发布。

These changes, however, will not take effect for nine months. 但是,这些修改在 9 个月之后才会生效。

President Obama recently said it was time for credit card reform: 最近,总统奥巴马说,是进行信用卡改革的时候了。

Credit card companies say the changes will only reduce the availability of credit. 信用卡公司说,这些修改只会减少信用的获得;