第 356 课:医改话题-1

Health care reform was a big subject this week at the White House. 医改是本周白宫的热门话题。

President Obama held a series of meetings, including with Democratic leaders from the House of Representatives. 总统奥巴马举行了一系列的会议,包括与众议院民主党领导的会议 。

Speaker Nancy Pelosi promised to bring legislation to the full House by the end of July. 众议院议长南茜 . 佩洛希承诺在7月底之前进行全议院立法(表决)。

The Senate must also act. The president wants to sign a bill into law by the end of the year. 参议院也必须行动。总统希望在年底之前将这一法案立法( / 签署为法律)。

On Monday he got support from leaders of six groups in the health care industry. 周一,他获得了保健产业中六个机构领导的支持。