第 356 课:医改话题-2

These represent doctors, hospitals, insurance companies, medical suppliers, union members and others. 这些机构代表医生、医院、保险公司、医疗用品供应商、工会成员等。

They promised to do their part to cut the growth rate in health spending by one and a half percentage points a year. 他们承诺每年尽力减少医疗开支1.5% 。

The savings over ten years could amount to two trillion dollars. 10 年内的节支累计可达 2 万亿美元。

Many industry leaders opposed reform efforts in the past. 过去,许多业界领导反应改革举措。

But health spending has rocketed over the past generation to about seventeen percent of the economy. 但是,医疗开支在过去 10 年中暴涨,接近全美经济的 17% 。