第 356 课:医改话题-5

The last major effort to reform health care failed in the early nineties. 上次重大保健改革的工作于 1990 年代初失败。

During last year's campaign Barack Obama offered ways to control health costs and expand coverage to all Americans. 在去年竞选中,巴拉克 . 奥巴马提供了控制保健成本及将其范围扩展到全体美国公民的措施;

Almost forty-six million have no health insurance at all. 大约4600 万人根本没有健康保险。

Unlike Bill Clinton, the new president has left the details of forming a plan to Congress. 与比尔 . 克林顿不同,新总统将拟定详细计划留给国会操刀。