第 356 课:医改话题-6

But lawmakers have yet to find common ground on how to pay for it. 但是,立法者目前尚未就如何支付(保健)达成共识。

Republicans say the idea for a new public health plan to cover millions of the uninsured would hurt the private health care market. 民主党人士说,覆盖没有保险的新型公众保健计划将损害民营保健市场。

And they say it would only increase budget deficits that are already high. 另外,他们还说,这一想法只会推升已经高企的预算赤字。

But the president says health care costs have put the federal budget on a "disastrous path." 但是,总统说,保健开支已经将联邦预算置于“万劫不复之地”。