第 36 课:最高法庭-2

Senators are expected to question her about a comment she made at a law school in two thousand five. 预计参议员会就她 2005 年在法学院所做评述进行提问。

Conservative critics say legislators and other elected leaders are the only ones who should make policy. 保守派批评家说立法委员和其他当选领导是唯一能应该制定政策的人。

Another comment, involving ethnicity, has also angered conservatives. 其他涉及到种族划分的评论也激怒了保守派。

Some Republicans have argued that Sonia Sotomayor is too liberal for the Supreme Court. 一些共和党人争辩道,对于最高法庭来说索尼娅索托马约尔过于温和。

They say she could be an "activist judge" who will let personal feelings and political beliefs influence her rulings. 他们说她可能会成为一个“积极法官”,个人感觉和政治信仰会影响她的裁定。