Democrats say her record shows that she is a moderate. In any case, Democrats hold a strong majority in the Senate. 民主党人说她的履历说明她是合适的。不论如何,民主党在参议院中占据绝大多数。
So, barring any unexpected problems, her chances for confirmation seem strong. 所以除了一些预料不到的问题之外,她被确认当选的几率似乎很大。
Republicans say they will demand a serious look at her many legal decisions. 共和党说他们在很多法律裁决上会对她进行严格的审查。
But political observers point out that Republicans may worry about offending Hispanics if they try to block her nomination. 但是政治观察员指出,共和党人担心如果他们试图阻止她的任命,可能冒犯拉丁裔人。
Hispanics are now the nation's largest ethnic minority, and a fast growing group of voters.