第 36 课:最高法庭-5

She became a federal judge in New York in nineteen ninety-two. 1992 年她成为纽约市一名联邦法官。

The Senate approved her nomination by a Republican president, the first George Bush. 共和党人乔治【老】布什担任总统时,参议院通过她的提名。

Then, six years later, the Senate confirmed her appointment to the appeals court by a Democrat, President Bill Clinton. 六年后,民主党人克林顿任职总统时,参议院确认她的上诉法院的提名。

Her newest appointment is not expected to change the political balance of the Supreme Court. 她的新任命预计不会改变最高法院的政治天平【平衡】。

Five of the nine current justices -- a majority -- are more conservative than liberal. 九位现任法官中有五人——占了多数——更加保守。

Judge Sotomayor would replace a justice who has generally voted with the liberal minority. Sotomayor 法官将会替代曾一直与少数自由党人观点一致的一位法官。