第 38 课:米尔猛虎组织-2

A U.N. spokesman expressed concern about reports that government shelling has killed civilians. 一名联合国发言人对一些关于政府炮击炸死了平民的报道表示担忧。

He also expressed concern over reports of rebels shooting those trying to flee to safety. 他还对关于反抗军射杀试图逃跑到安全地带的贫民的报道表示忧虑。

This week, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon sent his top aide to press for an end to the Sri Lankan conflict. 本周联合国秘书长潘基文委派他高级助手催促解决斯里兰卡的冲突。

Almost two hundred thousand Tamil civilians in the north have been displaced since fighting intensified in January. 自从一月对战加剧以来,将近200,000北方平民被转移。

Some people have been able to escape across the waters of a lagoon to a government-controlled area. 一些平民因能跨越礁湖水域逃离到政府控制地区。