第 38 课:米尔猛虎组织-3

But thousands of civilians reportedly have been killed and many thousands more wounded. 但是据报道,不计其数的平民被杀,数千人受伤。

The International Red Cross has described the humanitarian situation as "unimaginable." 国际红十字会将这里的人道主义局势描述为“难以想象”。

The Red Cross has been unable to bring in food or remove the wounded and sick from the area of fighting. 红十字会已不能够提供食物或者将受伤和有病的平民从战争地区转移走。

Sri Lanka has been seeking a two billion dollar loan from the International Monetary Fund to help its economy. 斯里兰卡已经向国际货币基金会请求20亿美元贷款用于帮助自己的经济。

American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said this week that this was, in her words, "not an appropriate time to consider" the loan. 美国国务卿希拉里克林顿本周表示,此时考虑贷款并不合时宜。