第 38 课:米尔猛虎组织-4

But I.M.F. chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn said Friday that Sri Lanka clearly needs help. 但是在周五,国际货币基金会 主管 多米尼克斯特劳斯卡恩说很明显斯里兰卡 需要帮助。

Reuters news agency reported that he said the I.M.F. is working to find a solution in the next few weeks. 据路透社报道,多米尼克斯特劳斯卡恩 说 在接下来几周里,国际货币基金会会努力寻求一个解决办法。

Sri Lanka is an island of twenty-one million people in the Indian Ocean. Three-fourths are ethnic Sinhalese. 斯里兰卡是印度洋上一个拥有21,000,000人口的岛国,3/4人口是 僧伽罗族人。

The conflict began more than twenty-five years ago, when minority Tamils began fighting for an independent homeland. 冲突开始于至少25年以前,那时少数名族坦米尔族人开始为独立的家园开战。