第 39 课:卓有成效-2

He said an Afghan delegation had confirmed that more than one hundred civilians died earlier this week because of airstrikes in the western province of Farah. 他说一名阿富汗代表已经确认本周初超过100多位平民因美国在阿富汗西部法拉省空袭而丧命。

American officials have expressed regret for the incident. 美国官方已为此次意外表示后悔。

But they say about fifty people were killed, many of them militants. 但是美国官方称大约50人死亡,而其中很多是军人。

And they have suggested that Taliban fighters were responsible for killing some civilians. Mister Karzai disputed that. 并且他们暗示塔利班激进分子应为死亡的一些平民负责。总统卡尔扎伊争辩道。

The Afghan and Pakistani leaders brought big delegations to Washington for individual and joint meetings with American officials. 阿富汗和巴基斯坦领导人携大型代表团前往美国并于美国官员进行了单独和共同会议。