Confirming Mister Muse's true age is difficult because birth documents are rare in Somalia. 确定 Muse 先生的真实年龄有些困难,因为出生文件在索马里很少见。
The country has not had an effective government for almost twenty years. 这个国家将近 20 年没有一个有效执政的政府了。
The International Maritime Bureau is an organization based in London that studies crimes on the high seas . 国际海事局是成立在伦敦的一个研究公海犯罪的组织。
The organization says the waters off the coast of Somalia, including the Gulf of Aden, are the most dangerous in the world for international shipping. 它说包括亚丁湾在内的索马里外海是世界上国际航运最危险的地方。
The Bureau says pirates carried out more attacks last year in the area than ever before . 海事局说海盗去年在这个海域实施袭击的次数比往年要多。