第 43 课:第一次出访欧洲-3

Before visiting Iraq and Turkey, the president was in Prague , the capital of the Czech Republic. 在访问伊拉克和土耳其之前,总统在布拉克出访捷克共和国。

He met with European Union leaders and spoke to a crowd of about twenty thousand people. 他会见了欧盟领导人并向 2 万民众发表讲话。

He urged other nations to join in an effort to free the world of nuclear weapons. 他鼓励其他国家一起努力让世界摆脱核武器。

He said all nations with nuclear weapons should be involved. 他说,所有拥有核武器的国家都包括 / 涉及在内。

The president spoke just hours after North Korea launched a long-range rocket. 在朝鲜发射远程火箭数小时后,总统发表演讲。