第 43 课:第一次出访欧洲-4

He said the North Korean launch proves the need for nations to cooperate to stop the spread of nuclear weapons and to remove those that already exist. 他说朝鲜发射证明了国家对于合作阻止核武器扩散的需求,并且清楚已经存在的核武器。

He also described the nuclear goal of Iran as a serious international threat. 他同时还阐明了伊朗核武器目的是一个严重的国际威胁。

Last week, President Obama attended a meeting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on the French-German border. 上一周,总统奥巴马出席了在法德边界举行的北约会议。

He said he was pleased that the NATO allies supported his new plans for Afghanistan and Pakistan. 他说他很高兴北约同盟支持他对阿富汗和巴基斯坦的新政策。

NATO agreed to provide more manpower and money. It will become heavily involved in training the Afghan military and police. 北约同意提供人力和财力,这些会广泛用于训练阿富汗军队和警察。

More troops will be sent to help with security leading up to Afghanistan's national elections in August. 在八月份的阿富汗全国大选之前,将有更多的军队会被派遣至阿富汗,帮助维护安全。