第 45 课:最低价位的轿车-4

Production of the Nano has been delayed for several months. Nano 的生产已经推迟了几个月。

Land protests last year forced the company to close its factory in the Indian state of West Bengal. A new factory is being built in the state of Gujarat. 土地抗议强制公司关闭在的孟加拉邦的工厂。新工厂在古吉拉特邦州正建设着。

The car is expected to be popular in industrial as well as developing nations. 这种车预计在工业国和发展中国家同样会大受欢迎。

The company says it plans to sell a version of the Nano in Europe in two thousand eleven. 公司说他们将在 2010 年在欧洲销售 nano 的一种车型。