第 46 课:阿富汗大型会议-1

The United States is proposing a big conference on Afghanistan and wants to invite Iran, one of its neighbors. 美国正计划举行一次阿富汗大型会议,并且希望邀请他的邻居之一伊朗。

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says dealing with extremism in Afghanistan and Pakistan requires a regional effort. 国务卿希拉里克林顿说处理阿福饭和巴基斯坦中的极端分子需要宗教的努力。

She announced the proposal to hold a high-level meeting on March thirty-first. 希拉里宣布在 3 月 31 日举行高层会晤的计划,

It would also include donors and members of NATO , and might take place in the Netherlands . 高层中也包括北约联盟的成员,此次会晤可能在荷兰举行。

The United Nations special representative for Afghanistan, Kai Eide, could be the chairman. 联合国阿富汗特使凯艾德可能出任主席。