第 46 课:阿富汗大型会议-4

Secretary Clinton announced the trip in Jerusalem earlier this week during her first visit to the Middle East as America's top diplomat. 作为美国最高外交官国务卿克林顿,本周初首次访问中东国家。期间她宣布了去耶路撒冷的行程。

The United States has not had an ambassador in Syria since former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri was killed in two thousand five. 自从前黎巴嫩总理哈里里在 2005 年被害,美国还没有驻叙利亚大使。

The United States has criticized Syria and Iran for supporting militant groups like Hamas (伊斯兰抵抗运动,哈马斯) and Hezbollah (黎巴嫩真主党) . 美国曾指责过叙利亚和伊朗支持武装组织,譬如哈马斯和真主党。

But, in a development announced Wednesday, Britain says it is open to talks with the political wing of Hezbollah in Lebanon. 但是在星期三公布的一个最新进展中,英国宣称开放与黎巴嫩真主党的政治组织的谈话。

Britain halted contacts in two thousand five. 英国在 2005 年中止了合同。