第 48 课:第一次重大行动-2

For now, the deployment in the coming months will be smaller than the top American commander requested. 目前,下个月的部署将会小于美国最高指挥官的要求。

About thirty-eight thousand American troops are there now, plus thirty-two thousand from other NATO members. 大约38,000人的美国军队加上来自北约成员国的32,000人的军队驻扎在那里。

The Afghan Defense Ministry welcomed Tuesday's announcement.

It came the same day as the United Nations reported that more than two thousand civilians were killed in Afghanistan last year. 就在同一天,联合国报道超过2000名平民在去年于阿富汗被杀。

That was the most since the American-led invasion in two thousand one that ousted the Taliban government. 死亡人数是自2001年美国领导的入侵阿富汗驱逐塔利班政府以来最多的。