第 48 课:第一次重大行动-5

America's top diplomat, Hillary Clinton, made her first foreign trip as secretary of state this week. 美国最高外交官希拉里克林顿本周进行了她作为国务卿的第一次外交之旅。

New secretaries traditionally start with Europe or the Middle East. 按照惯例,新上任的国务卿会从欧洲或者中东开始外交出访。

But her trip to Japan, Indonesia, South Korea and China makes her the first in almost fifty years to visit Asia first. 但是她出访日本、印度尼西亚、韩国和中国使她成为近50年来第一位首先出访亚洲国家的国务卿。

Subjects included economics, climate change and North Korea's nuclear program. 出访主题包括经济、气候变化和朝鲜核问题。

Secretary Clinton praised efforts to fight Islamic extremism in Indonesia, where Barack Obama spent part of his childhood. 国务卿克林赞扬印度尼西亚,这个奥巴马曾经度过他部分童年的国度,为反抗伊斯兰教极端主义者而付出的努力。

Next week, Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso is to become the first foreign leader to visit the new president at the White House.