第 49 课:经济复苏计划-1

American lawmakers agreed this week on an economic recovery plan. 本周美国立法者同意了经济复苏计划。

Negotiators got it below seven hundred ninety billion dollars. 协商者们将资金定低于7900亿美元。

They cut tens of billions from versions in the Senate and the House of Representatives. 这比参议院和众议院版本中的资金总数少数百亿美元。

The compromise measure needed final passage in Congress for President Barack Obama to get his wish to have it by Monday to sign into law. 妥协措施需要国会最终通过,为奥巴马总统有望周一前得到并签署生效。

About thirty-five percent of the rescue plan is tax cuts for individuals and businesses. 经济复苏/援救计划的约35%用于个人和商业的减税,65%用于政府开支。