第 49 课:经济复苏计划-2

Sixty-five percent is government spending. That includes more than fifty billion dollars in aid to states. 经济复苏计划还包括超过500亿美元用于援助各个州的。

And it includes money for roads and bridge projects as well as investments in health care, education and energy. 并且它还包括道路和桥梁工程资金,以及卫生保健、教育和能源的投资。

The plan also calls for expanded aid for people without jobs or health insurance. 此项计划要求扩大对无业或者无健康保险人员的救助。

The economic recovery plan is the largest since President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal during the Great Depression in the nineteen thirties. 此项经济复苏计划是自十九世纪30年代“大萧条”时期罗斯福总统的“新政”以来最大的一项。

Republicans continued to criticize Democrats for not including more tax cuts. 共和党人不断批评民主党人在经济复苏计划中没有包括更多的减税。