第 49 课:经济复苏计划-3

They say the plan contains wasteful spending that will do little to create jobs and will leave mountains of debt for future generations. 他们说这项计划包含浪费开支,不仅不可能增加就业并且可能会为后代留下堆积如上的债务。

The Senate passed its version this week with just three Republican votes. 参议院本周通过了自己的计划版本,但是只有三名共和党人投票赞成。

There was no Republican support in the House, even for the final bill approved Friday. 即使经济复苏计划最终草案在周五获得通过,但是众议院没有共和党人支持这项计划。

On Thursday, President Obama said his plan will save or create more than three and a half million jobs over the next two years. 周四,总统奥巴马说此项计划将会在未来2年中保留或者创造超过350万个工作岗位。

To what extent that goal will be met is not clear. But that is the number of jobs lost since the recession began in December of two thousand seven. 目标的能都达成到什么程度尚不明确。但是这个是自2007年十二月萧条开始以来的丢失岗位数量。