第 50 课:伊斯兰革命-3

President Ahmadinejad reportedly called the satellite launch "a message of brotherhood and peace" to the world. 据报道,尽管总统艾哈迈迪-内贾德称此卫星是向全世界传递“和平和友谊之音”,

But the satellite launch caused international concern. 但此次卫星的发射还是引起了国际关注。

Western nations are concerned that Iran could use the missile technology to launch a nuclear weapon, which Iran is suspected of building. 西方国家担心伊朗可能会使用导弹技术发射核武器,伊朗可能正在建造。

Iran says its nuclear program is only for peaceful purposes. 伊朗称本国核计划仅仅是用于和平用途的。

The United States government said it will use "all elements" of its national power to deal with Iran. 美国政府说会可能会用国家能力的所有“力量”来对付伊朗。