第 50 课:伊斯兰革命-5

United Nations officials were heavily involved in planning the elections, which took place without any major violence. 联合国官方人员已经深入参与计划此次选举,(确保)举行选举时不会发生大的骚乱。

The elections are being seen as a vote on Mister Maliki's leadership ahead of national parliamentary elections to be held later this year. 此次选举在今年年末举行,被看作是在国家议会选举之前对总理马利基领导能力的投票表决。

In Washington, President Obama said the provincial elections were very important. 在华盛顿,总统奥巴马说省级选举非常重要。

He said they showed that Iraqis are ready to take over more of their own security. 他说它们已经表明了伊拉克人准备好了接手更多他们自己安全的责任。