第 52 课:一位新总统-1

The United States got a new president this week. 美国迎来了一位新总统。

President Barack Obama quickly got to work in his first days in office. 本周美总统奥巴马在就职第一天就迅速开始工作。

In one of his first official actions, he ordered the closure of the American detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, within a year. 在他第一次的官方法案中,他下令在一年之内关闭古巴关塔那摩湾的审讯中心。

He also ordered a study of military trials of suspected terrorists. 他还下令对恐怖分子嫌疑人进行军事审问,

And, he banned the most severe methods of questioning suspects. 不过禁止对审讯疑犯使用极其严厉的审讯手段。