第 52 课:一位新总统-4

In his inaugural speech, he promised to begin again what he called, the work of remaking America. 在他的就职演讲中,他承诺开始执行他曾号召重新铸就美国的工作。

The new president also had a message for the world. 新总统同时也为全世界传递口信。

He spoke of America's desire for peace, and to seek the common good. 他谈及美国需要和平,寻求共同利益。

President Obama also said he plans to take American foreign policy in a new direction. 总统奥巴马还说他计划使美国外交政策朝一个新的方向发展。

After his swearing-in, the president joined members of Congress for a luncheon in the Capitol. 在奥巴马宣誓就职后,他和国会成员一起参加了在国会大厦准备的午餐。