第 54 课:十大新闻报道-4

The Beijing Olympic Games were next on the list. After seven years of preparations, the Summer Olympic Games were held in China for the first time. 十大新闻榜单中,北京奥运位居其次。经过七年的筹备,夏季奥运会首次在中国举行。

American swimmer Michael Phelps won eight old medals, breaking the record for the most gold medals won at a single Olympics. 美国游泳健将菲尔普斯赢得8枚金牌,一举打破 一人在奥运会上赢得最多奖牌 的记录。

Also among the top news stories was the huge earthquake that struck China in May. 08年五月袭击中国的巨大地震也在十大新闻之中。

Seventy thousand people were killed in Sichuan province. Another five million lost their homes. 7万人丧生在四川省,500万人无家可归。

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin also made the list of major news stories. 阿拉斯加州州长莎拉帕林也是十大新闻报道榜单的一部分。