第 54 课:十大新闻报道-5

She became well-known after Republican presidential candidate John McCain chose her as his vice presidential running mate. 在共和党总统候选人麦凯恩选其担任竞选副总统的竞选伙伴后,莎拉帕林为众所知。

She was the first female vice presidential candidate of the Republic Party. 她是共和党第一位女付总统候选人。

In November, ten terrorists attacked India's financial center, Mumbai. 12月十名恐怖分子袭击了印度金融中心孟买。

More than one hundred sixty people were killed during two and a half days of violence. 在这两天半的暴力事件当中,超过160人丧生。

Hillary Clinton's candidacy for president was also among the top news stories.