第 56 课:旁氏骗局罪-6

The case grew out of a lawsuit brought by three people in the state of Maine. 案件源于缅因州的三个人提起的诉讼 。

They accused cigarette makers of hiding information that "light" or "low tar" cigarettes are just as dangerous as other cigarettes. 他们控告烟草制造商隐瞒信心,“清淡型”和“低焦油型”香烟和其他香烟一样危险。

The companies argued that a federal law bars such claims under state law. 公司争辩道,根据国家法律,联邦法律禁止这种说法。

The Supreme Court was divided five to four, but the justices decided that smokers may sue under state consumer-protection laws. 最高法院分成了4到5个,但是法院院长决定根据国家消费者保护法,吸烟者是可以起诉的。