第 57 课:联邦腐败指控-4

He was released for now after a court appearance and returned to work the next day. 在出现在一次法庭上和第二天回去工作后,他目前就被释放了。

He could face up to thirty years in prison if he is found guilty. 如果他被判有罪,那么他可能会面对30年的牢狱之灾。

Among other things, investigators say he tried to pressure a newspaper, the Chicago Tribune, to dismiss opinion writers who criticized him. 其中,调查者说他试图给《芝加哥论坛报》施加压力,要开除批评他的舆论作家。

And officials suggest that he even threatened to deny state money to a children's hospital if he did not get a campaign donation. 而且官方人员暗示,他甚至威胁,如果他没有得到运动捐款,他会拒绝给儿童医院资金。

Federal officials say they recorded his phone calls. Yet it was no secret that he was under investigation. 联邦官员说他们录下了他的电话,这已经不是什么秘密了,他在接受调查。

Political corruption is nothing new to Illinois -- three former governors have gone to jail in the past thirty-five years. 政治腐败在伊利诺斯不是什么新鲜事——在过去的35年中,已有三位前任州长锒铛入狱。