第 59 课:经济低迷-3

Housing economist Robert Shiller at Yale University has found that home prices fell by about thirty percent during the Depression. 耶鲁大学房产经济学家Robert Shiller发现:在大萧条时期,房价下降了30%。

Then, as now, many people lost their homes because they could not pay their mortgage loans. 那么现在很多人因为不能支付按揭贷款而失去了家。

Today people borrow much more of the value of their homes than they used to. 与比过去相比,今天的人们借了更多的多于房屋价值的钱。

In fact, Professor Shiller estimates that ten million Americans owe more than their home is worth. Robert Shiller教授估计,事实上10,000,000的美国人欠更多的多于房子所值的钱。

An estimated nine thousand banks failed during the Depression. 在大萧条期间,估计有9000家银行倒闭。